Perseverance and Patience Led Us Achieve Objectives

Perseverance and Patience Led Us Achieve Objectives

It’s a pleasure to introduce you Lina Marcela Moreno, our Quality Promoter of Cerro Azul farm, where our best quality Geisha is produced. We admire her, and proud of her work, which is why we want to make a tribute through this article to her and the role that she...
Learning With Us

Learning With Us

For us is a pleasure to introduce you Manuel Alejandro Correa, he started working at Café Granja La Esperanza in 2012 as a trainer and nowadays he is our Quality Director. At the beginning it was a huge challenge for him being part of this family because he had to do...
Crop Renewal

Crop Renewal

During the 75 years of Café Granja La Esperanza, we’ve had crop renewals, and we thoroughly understand how this process works. At the beginning, we had many questions that through this article we are going to share and answer them. Which type of crop renewal should we...
Herrera Family

Herrera Family

When you think of innovation, transformation and commitment, you think of the Herrera family. Over the years they have grown in the coffee world and each generation has shown that passion, assurance, and being kind which are the fundamental pillars of the family and...
Getting Familiar With The Peaberry

Getting Familiar With The Peaberry

What is a peaberry? How is peaberry produced? Where can we find a peaberry? What are the differences between a normal bean and a peaberry? Those are normal questions that can occur in the coffee world. In this article, we will try to solve some of them. Primarily, we...
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