What is a peaberry? How is peaberry produced? Where can we find a peaberry? What are the differences between a normal bean and a peaberry? Those are normal questions that can occur in the coffee world. In this article, we will try to solve some of them.

Primarily, we want to remind you that the coffee that we usually drink comes from a coffee cherry that contains two seeds. These seeds undergo fermentation, drying, and roasting processes before being consumed. However, not all cherries have the same anatomical structure. In some cases, it occurs a natural anomaly inside the cherry, in which only one of the seeds is fertilized. Because of the irregularity that occurs in the process, the bean has an oval or a pea-shape, which allows it to be visually differentiated from other beans since they have a flat side.

The mutation can carry out in different varieties, no matter the cultivation or processing method because it comes from Arabic and Robusta trees, which is a natural anomaly. “In about 5-10 percent of any crop of coffee cherries, the cherry will contain only a single bean, rather than the two usually found” (New World Encyclopedia, n.d.). It’s important to clarify there’s no way to identify this type of bean in the crop or just looking at the cherry, the only method for recognizing and picking them from the other beans, is hand sorting. This process happens to be more detailed and expensive, involving a group of women working exclusively selecting these beans.

In the coffee world, there are many opinions about the flavor. There are some theories about the difficulty level that represents roasting a spherical bean. Others say that since it is a single bean, it absorbs all the nutrients and flavor of the cherry. From our experience, the peaberries that are produced at Café Granja La Esperanza farms, have more complex notes, compared to the batch, and the flavors are more concentrated. 

We invite you to try the peaberry and make your conclusions about it.

New World Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Coffee: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Coffee#Coffee_bean_types

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