For more than 70 years, Café Granja La Esperanza has been working on innovation, creativity, and quality without leaving behind its tradition. Throughout these years we have faced different challenges due to changes in the market, for example, the demand for products has turned from organic coffee to specialty coffees. In the case of promotion, years ago the traditional marketing, and physical activities like competitions and fairs were the only way to promote our coffees; nowadays we have new communication channels like social media and google.  For us, each challenge has represented motivation and hope for being better.

The new logo is a response to all those challenges that we have faced during the last years, especially promotion and communication ones. The first element that we find in the new logo is the sun. We are a family that constantly believes that each day brings good things, valuable lessons, mistakes that we must correct, and above all those believes, we are sure that with each new dawn we obtain the necessary tools that help us achieve our dreams. We wanted to represent the hope of a new dawn, of a better day, and the sun is the perfect figure for it. Also, Hope means Esperanza in Spanish, principal pillar of our DNA.

Most people associate us with the three mountains that have been part of our logos, but we wonder to know how many of you are related to the meaning and importance of this symbol? Over the years, we have acquired farms in different municipalities (Sasaima, Caicedonia, and Trujillo), and those are located in the different mountain ranges of Colombia.  This is the reason why we conserve the three mountains because we are fortunate to have this soil diversity, which helps us to innovate and be creative with the different cultivars we grow.

Most people associate us with the three mountains that have been part of our logos, but we wonder to know how many of you are related to the meaning and importance of this symbol? Over the years, we have acquired farms in different municipalities (Sasaima, Caicedonia, and Trujillo), and those are located in the different mountain ranges of Colombia.  This is the reason why we conserve the three mountains because we are fortunate to have this soil diversity, which helps us to innovate and be creative with the different cultivars we grow.

After some months of work, different opinions and ideas, we are glad to introduce you our new logo.

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