Learn more about where we grow our specialty coffees
and about our regional program.

Department: Valle del Cauca
Municipality: Trujillo
Number of lots: 7
Total crop area: 17,4 ha.
Number of trees: 33.879
Minimum altitude: 1.700 masl.
Maximum altitude: 2.000 masl.
Minimum temperature: 15°C
Maximum temperature: 21°C
Rainfall: 1.526 mm/year
Humidity: 85 – 90%

Country: Colombia
Department: Valle del Cauca
Municipality: Caicedonia
Number of lots: 13
Total crop area: 33,8 ha.
Number of trees: 94.367
Minimum altitude: 1.570 masl.
Maximum altitude: 1.850 masl.
Minimum temperature: 17°C
Maximum temperature: 22°C
Rainfall: 1.340 mm/year
Humidity: 73%

Country: Colombia
Department: Valle del Cauca
Municipality: Trujillo
Number of lots: 11
Total crop area: 34.3 ha.
Number of trees: 96.600
Minimum altitude: 1.430 masl.
Maximum altitude: 1.760 masl.
Minimum temperature: 20°C
Maximum temperature: 23°C
Rainfall: 1.526 mm/year
Humidity: 80 – 85%

Country: Colombia
Department: Valle del Cauca
Municipality: Caicedonia
Number of lots: 10
Total crop area: 52 ha.
Number of trees: 188.725
Minimum altitude: 1.400 masl.
Maximum altitude: 1.860 masl.
Minimum temperature: 17°C
Maximum temperature: 22°C
Rainfall: 1.340 mm/year
Humidity: 73%

The quality of our regional coffees is supervised by our quality laboratory in all stages of the process. We transfer knowledge and good production practices to our associated suppliers, guaranteeing cups of 84 points and higher. We can guarantee unique profiles, which can be exclusive according to the requirements of our clients.
1. Valle del Cauca 2. Cauca 3. Antioquia 4. Santander 5. Huila 6. Tolima |
7. Quindio 8. Risaralda 9. Caldas 10. Nariño 11. Cundinamarca 12. Boyaca |
2. Cauca
3. Antioquia
4. Santander
5. Huila
6. Tolima
7. Quindio
8. Risaralda
9. Caldas
10. Nariño
11. Cundinamarca
12. Boyaca